(Water Stop Mortar) Explanation
Naba Leakage Plug is a ready-to-use rich blend of special cement and chemicals single-part dry powder form seeding only the addition of clean water to produce an ultra-fast setting mortar.
⦁ Stopping Leaks
⦁ Patching mortar and concrete
⦁ Rapid Strength Development
⦁ Crack and joint on RC roof, wall & ceiling. Instruction For Use
Mixing: Naba Leakage Plug is added to clean water and mixed either with a trowel or gloved hand.
Mixing Ratio: Naba Leakage Plug (Powder): 4
Clean Water: 1
Application: After mixing, timing is important because of the rapid set the placement time is limited to the getting period of 4 minutes. Use hand as necessary until it has achieved the initial set.
⦁ Easy to use cement powder with water
⦁ Non-shrinkable waterproof plug cement
⦁ Non-toxic type waterproof
⦁ Rapid strength development
⦁ Extended working time
⦁ Good adhesive properties
⦁ Excellent bond straight
⦁ Iron & Chloride for low permeability and density.